So, you maybe sitting there sometimes in amongst a conversation of people who have stretched ears, or one of them has, and he's using language like "tapers", "dead stretching", "teflon tape", "weights". What does it all mean? Well, I wouldn't worry too much, as I am here to help.
Dead Stretching - This is the method of stretching, where you are using jewellery of a bigger size, and putting it straight in to the hole, when you feel it is ready to be stretched. For example, going from 1.6mm to 2mm using a 2mm ring, that would be considered a dead stretch. Or using a 12mm tunnel, to stretch a 10mm hole.
Dead stretching is fine, if you can afford to do so. For me, it's a bit silly, as it's expensive, because you're buying a new pair of jewellery at each size, just to wear for a month or two, and then stretching again. Secondly, the jewellery jumps two sizes, which is a big no-no, as it is too much trauma on the ear to be jumping two sizes at once. Think about it, 2mm hole, 4mm jewellery, that is an expansion of over 100%, so you're increasing it's size by over 100%. Think about it, and be careful when dead stretching, as it leads to problems with impatient peopple.
Double / Single Flared - This is a type of jewellery, more common in steel. I've attached an image below.
This is double flared jewellery, and single flared is the same, but it only has one flare (the lip at the front). When putting in double flared jewellery, please be careful, as obviously, the flare is usually .5mm bigger than the internal diameter, people often get the jewellery stuck in there ear, as the inside measurement, maybe 6mm, but the flare is sometimes as much as 7mm. Never stretch with double flared jewellery, due to the sizing nature.
Tapers - Tapers are cylindrical tubes, solid, made from steel, acrylic, PMA etc. They are the most common form of stretching, and usually go up to 1" in size. Tapers are useful due to their cheap nature, with kits going up to 1" usually at about $15. But be careful when using tapers, as they generally contain 4 sizes in one tube, e.g: 4mm - 8mm. So, the beginning will be 4mm, and the end being 8mm, usually people get a little bit too excited and try and force the whole thing through, so please be careful, and just take it easy, just because it can go all the way through, doesn't mean it should!
Vitamin E Oil - Vitamin E oil, is used by people who want to look after and condition there ears. There are many different forms, all of which are recommended below. If you have dry, sore or thin ears, then massaging vitamin E oil in to them twice a day will develop them in to a much healthier condition.Bio-Oil, 2-Ounce Bottle 100% Pure Emu Oil (2oz)Desert Essence Organic Jojoba Oil, 4-Ounce Bottle
So, hopefully what I've said above will make you a little bit clearer about some of the "lingo" used within the piercing industry.