Monday, 14 October 2013

Hey Guys!

Where have I been? What have I been doing? Life is still as on-going as ever, and I have a few less mods than I used to. I am engaged to a wonderful girl, who I have been with for a while now, and I am really happy. I've had a few more tattoos since last time, and I am working on a few new projects to make me focus a bit more. So, what's new with me? I'll share some pictures, probably easier.

So, basically my life in a few years, in pictures. I've got more tattoos, I've got giant boobs, and I have the love of my life, and she's awesome. Mods wise, I don't have a lot any more, I still have my lip, and it bounces between 3/4", and 1/2", sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't. My septum has recently gone up to 4mm, and it's sitting there quite comfortable.

I will continue to write some more articles again soon, if people would like some, I've been a bit lax, and I've only just been able to get back in to this account again!

Thanks for listening to me ramble!